
Forecasting the future involves uncertainty

Forecasting the future involves uncertainty

A paper by LOCOMOTION’s Amandine Pastor has been published in CATENA, an interdisciplinary journal of soil science, hydrology and geomorphology. The article presents a review of Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) under global change to understand how uncertainties...

The renewable revolution

The renewable revolution

An article entitled “The renewable revolution cannot occur with limitless growth, experts warn” written by our LOCOMOTION’S colleague Khaled Diab (EEB) has been published in Meta on 3 December 2019. The article presents the important role of renewable energy and the...

LOCOMOTION project in top Spanish newspaper

LOCOMOTION project in top Spanish newspaper

The Spanish newspaper El Mundo published an article entitled ‘Climate change analysts’ about the Group of Energy, Economy, and System Dynamics (GEEDS) at the University of Valladolid, in which the coordinator of this group and of LOCOMOTION, Luis Javier Miguel...

Article on LOCOMOTION in the Ecologist

Article on LOCOMOTION in the Ecologist

An article written by Margarita Mediavilla and Khaled Diab on LOCOMOTION has been published in The Ecologist, which presents one of the main improvements this project is working on in the Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) field when analysing in a holistic manner...

A meeting of minds

A meeting of minds

LOCOMOTION’s Luis Javier Miguel González, Nathalie Wergles and Khaled Diab attended a networking event in Brussels, which was organised by the European Commission’s Research and Innovation Directorate-General targeted at EU-funded research projects focusing on...

Setting the project in motion

Setting the project in motion

LOCOMOTION has officially been launched. The kick-off event for the four-year EU-backed project took place in the picturesque Spanish university town of Valladolid, the regional capital of Castile and León. Short for ‘Low-carbon society: An enhanced modelling tool for...


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