This new webinar is part of a series of public LOCOMINARS. The aim of this interactive event is to bring together experts from different stakeholder groups and discuss the key issues related to material requirements for the green transition. The transition towards a climate neutral economy, as proposed by the European Green Deal, is highly resource intensive. The demand for many minerals and metals is predicted to increase rapidly, particularly within the context of the EU’s twin Green and Digital transitions plans. This has put mining and the use of materials under the political spotlight. This webinar is particularly interested in the implications this has on the private sector. As such, the event aims to:
- create a dialogue between science, policymakers, civil society and the private sector;
- present the challenges and opportunities that come with trying to achieve low-carbon and sustainable targets (e.g. minerals x green transition);
- discuss the current policy context and how it might evolve in the coming months as well as good practices, recommendations and offer a time for ambitious reflection.
Speakers include
- Dr Torsten Freund (PMO Lead – Battery Passport, Global Battery Alliance)
- Peter Handley (Head of Unit, DG GROW, European Commission)
- Dr Patrick Nadoll (Senior Advisor on Exploration and Resource Assessment at EIT RawMaterials and a leader of the European Raw Materials Alliance Cluster 2 task force “Alternative energy storage and conversion”)
- Diego Marin (Associate Policy Officer for Environmental Justice, EEB)
- Marguerite Culot (Economic Transition Assistant, EEB)
This event will be moderated by Katy Wiese (Policy Officer for Economic Transition, EEB).
When: 26 January 2022 from 10:00 – 11:30 am CET
Where: Online event
Contact: The European Environmental Bureau (EEB). Event Website and email
Register here.
A more detailed agenda and speakers will be communicated closer to the event.