The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Coastal Association for Social Transformation Trust, the Norwegian Refugee Council and the LOCOMOTION project (Horizon 2020) invite you to participate in an official COP27 side event on Advancing rights-based protection of climate migrants – what role for local and international actors?. This event will take place on Friday, Nov 11, 2022, from 11:30 to 13:00 (GMT+2) in the Sharm El-Sheikh International Convention Center (SHICC), Blue Zone, Room Akhenaton in a room with a capacity for 150 attendees.
The event will address why informed and innovative solutions are required to ensure that all climate migrants, regardless of status, are fully protected. The discussion will also cover how to reduce the risk of climate-induced human mobility while protecting migrants’ rights. Lastly, it will explore what role local and international stakeholders can play and how migrants can be included in decision-making.
Event Agenda:
11:30 Welcome/Framing by Moderator
- Katy Wiese, Senior Policy Officer for Economic Transition and Gender Equality (EEB)
11:35 Climate displacement: the situation and challenges on the ground
- Cheikh Fadel Wade, Bargny Coast Waterkeeper (Waterkeeper Alliance)
- Ghada Ahmadein, Program Manager (Egyptian Sustainable Devt. Forum)
- Aminul Haque, Director – ME & IA (COAST)
- Robert Oakes, Senior Researcher (United Nations University – EHS)
12:00 Initiatives to advance rights-based protection of climate migrants: the role of local and international actors
- Sabine Minninger, Climate Policy Advisor (Bread for the World)
- Barrister Shamim Haider, Member of Parliament (Bangladesh National Parliament)
12:15 Connecting the dots: the need for policy coherence
- Walter Kälin, Special Envoy (Platform on Disaster Displacement)
12:25 Interactive Dialogue
12: 55 Wrap up and closing
Participants will be able to attend the event virtually through this link: