Dec 13, 2021 | Communication article, Non-scientific publications
Date: 10/06/2021.Publication type: Dissemination article.Author(s): EEB editorialKeywords: Environment, Sustainable development, Energy & materials. Short description: Digging more mines on land and in fragile ecosystems like the deep sea threatens the...
Dec 13, 2021 | Communication article, Non-scientific publications
Date: 03/06/2021.Publication type: Communication article. Author(s): Diego Francesco Marin. Keywords: Climate & climate change, Environment, Sustainable development, Energy & materials. Short description: ‘Green mining’ is an oxymoron that...
Oct 13, 2020 | Communication article, Non-scientific publications
Date: 13/10/2020.Publication type: Communication article.Author(s): Margarita Mediavilla, Khaled DiabKeywords: Climate, Sustainable development, Energy and materials. Short description: The article presents the discussion about the most relevant achievements...
Feb 21, 2020 | Communication article, Non-scientific publications
Date: 21/02/2020.Publication type: Communication article. Author(s): Margarita Mediavilla. Keywords: Climate & climate change, Environment, Sustainable development, Energy & materials. Short description: It is possible to revolutionise humanity’s relationship...
Dec 3, 2019 | Communication article, Non-scientific publications
Date: 03/12/2019.Publication type: Communication article. Author(s): Khaled Diab. Keywords: Climate & climate change, Energy & materials, Environment. Short description: Despite the hopes attached to renewable energy, a rapid transition to...
Oct 30, 2019 | Communication article, Non-scientific publications
Date: 30/10/2019.Publication type: Communication article. Author(s): Khaled Diab. Keywords: Climate & Climate change, Energy & materials, Environment. Short description: LOCOMOTION project is seeking civil society and policy stakeholders....