LOCOMOTION is co-organizer together with NAVIGATE, Paris Reinforce and VERIFY of an EU COP 26 side event called: Towards an emission neutral society: challenges and opportunities on the 1st of November 11 am to 12 pm CEST. The event will discuss challenges and...
A new LOCOMINAR will be held on the 22nd of October at 10:00 AM CET. This webinar is part of a series of public LOCOMINARS. This online event will present 5 science-based policy recommendations for the EUs green transition based on the LOCOMOTION policy briefing. One...
LOCOMOTION participated in the EU Green Week with a dedicated session entitled “Net zero emissions ≠ zero pollution: Inconvenient (pollution) truths about the green energy supply chain!”. The webinar took place on 2 June 2021 and was moderated by Katherina...
LOCOMOTION will be part of the EU Green Week 2021 on the 2nd of June at 10:00 AM CET. Under the title “Net zero emissions ≠ zero pollution: Inconvenient (pollution) truths about the green energy supply chain”, the LOCOMOTION researchers will present the...
Our efforts to harness the sun’s energy to power our future may require up to 5% of the territories of some countries, a new LOCOMOTION simulation finds. This could have significant direct and indirect environmental side effects, including habitat loss and...
The EU’s excessive focus on carbon removal could harm efforts to combat global warming. Our primary focus must be on emissions reductionsCoralie Boulard examines the scientific evidence and explores the best path forward. With additional reporting by Khaled Diab....