Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES)
The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) is the Greek national entity for the promotion of renewable energy sources, rational use of energy and energy conservation. In the modern demanding energy sector CRES is dynamically active, in the frame of the national and Community policy and legislation, for the protection of the environment and sustainable development. Working in the state of the art of technology development, CRES implements innovative projects and significant activities for the promotion and market penetration of new energy technologies. CRES was founded in September 1987. It is a public entity, supervised by the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and has financial and administrative independence. Its main goal is the research and promotion of RES/RUE/ES applications at a national and international level, as well as the support of related activities, taking into consideration the principles of sustainable development. In the scope of this project, CRES will bring the following key qualifications:
◦CRES is the official advisor to the Ministry of Energy and Environment on the topics of energy planning, renewable energy and energy efficiency.
◦ CRES has analyzed energy statistics, developed energy information systems and utilized energy system models for analysing the development of the Greek energy system since 1996, having produced all official documents for Greece on behalf of the Ministry (annual review of Energy Strategy, Energy Outlook to 2050, NREAP, NEEAP, energy projections for reporting to UNFCCCetc.).
◦ CRES is experienced in the use of MARKAL/TIMES, LEAP, PSS/E, WASP and in-house hourly electricity unit commitment and dispatch models. These models have been used in the policy analysis towards the Ministry of Energy and Environment and third countries.
◦ CRES has participated actively in several international projects providing capacity building and performing analysis on energy policy issues, using energy statistics and energy system models (EU member states, Energy Community countries, and Middle Eastern countries).
◦ CRES has been participating in ETSAP-TCP of the International Energy Agency (IEA) and is the Operating Agent of ETSAP since January 2012. This community of energy model users and energy policy analysts provides a valuable forum for capacity building on energy modelling implementation issues.
CRES will coordinate and implement the process for data compilation and database development as WP2 leader, considering its experience in energy statistics. Also, CRES will participate in other tasks within the project, highlighting the participation in the energy modelling (WP7), according with the skills of CRES in the field of energy accounting and modelling.